To organize a successful Xoogler event, follow these steps:

  1. Set clear goals to define the purpose of the event and engage others.
  2. Define your target audience to tailor the event to their interests and needs.
  3. Choose a topic and format that aligns with your goals and audience preferences.
  4. Select the right location and timing to minimize barriers for attendees.
  5. Plan the event logistics, such as food, seating, and AV equipment.
  6. Market the event with a clear title, compelling description, RSVP form, and invitation emails. Utilize various channels to spread the word.
  7. Follow up with attendees after the event, sharing highlights and fostering a sense of community.
  8. Understand that building a community takes time and multiple events. Don't be discouraged if immediate success is not achieved.

Remember, there are always people available to help you along the way.


My name is Mantas. I’m a Melbourne-based Xoogler. Over the last couple of years, I've co-organised a number of different events. They have ranged from casual after-work drinks to more structured topical events.

Through this experience, I've learned that there is no silver bullet. However, thinking through the process in a structured way has certainly helped to put some structure behind my efforts and achieve more success.